Electronic Objects Blog

My blog for 4929C during spring semester 2023.

View the Project on GitHub trinityfulop/My-Semester-Blog

Jan 19 Class Meeting

What is interactivity?

interaction: what do we want to happen. We want to draw out the amount of time that viewers evalutate/observe the artwork. interaction > technical

libraries: collection of code someone else wrote

GPIO: general purpose input & output

Arduino Uno Pins > our microcontroller

Analog vs. Digital

Analog: spectrum

Digital: either on/off high/low Binary.

DAC: digital to analog converter ADC: analog to digital converter

PWM: pulse width modulation (dimming an LED) > DAC

Input vs. Output

Input Output
switch light
sound (mic) speaker
movement (sensor) LCD display
light (sensor) motor

user friendliness: how much does the viewer need to know

Our microcontroller works on 5V but a lot of other modern microcontrollers work on 3.3V

Set-up & Loop - arduino thing