Electronic Objects Blog

My blog for 4929C during spring semester 2023.

View the Project on GitHub trinityfulop/My-Semester-Blog

Jan 23 Class Notes

Open Circuit vs Short Circuit

Insert Image

Some Stores:

(Our wires, 22 gauge)

Deadlines for the Midterm

Useful website: Draw.io (but probably easier to just draw circuit by hand)

Storing Data

bit: 1 or 0

8 bits = 1 byte

Range of a byte (0-255), so 256 possible choices including zero. Binary can be all zeros or all ones.

binary base 2 decimal base 10 (Insert Image/ Table for Binary vs Decimal)

Data Types

bool - true or false byte - unsigned (0 - 255) char - signed byte (-127 - 127) word - (0 - ~64k) int - signed word (~ -32k - ~32k) unsigned long - (0 - 4 mil) float - (decimal place) unsigned means: no +/-

rolling over: ex) byte > more than 255

4 bits - nibble 8 bits - byte 16 bits - word 32 bits - long 32 bits - float (decimal place) 64 bits - double long avoid floating point math if we can, hardware doesn’t do division

data type name value ex) byte sensorValue =0;


void setup() { }

Some functions need parameters. Parenthesis signal a function. No parenthesis signal a variable. Can’t write code without variables. Have to define functions and variables BEFORE using them.

rnd = random() gives us a random, # and stores it in rnd void: function isn’t returning anything. map: scales one range to another.


(insert image of conditional function)

unsigned long timestamp = 0; two equal signs > compare

int LEDState = LOW; const long interval = 1000

void setup() { } pinMode(LEDBUILTIN, OUTPUT);

unsignedlongcurrentimestamp= millis();

if currenttimstamp - previoustimestamp > = () { }

if (LEDState == LOW) {

} (LEDState = HIGH); } else {LEDState = LOW;

} previoustimestamp = currenttimestamp

digitalwrite (LEDBUILTIN, LEDState)